My Reflection GS Project

I fell my group did good . One person did most of the work and that was josh and i came up with the script and wyatt made the kahoot and josh came up with the  questions and the answers . We got from the class that we were well prepared , spoke clearly and gave a full understanding . I fell we could of been more prepared . Wyatt hardly talk in the presintation

Hour Glass Poem

He voluntered to join the french and indian war

He fought and defeated a british force

He recived thanks from congress

Lived in Virginia

Thomas Sumter

Was a soldier

 He allegianed with great britian

He repuled colonel wemyss to Broad River

In  1780  he   hid   in  the   swamps   of   santee

Jackie Mitchell

Back in the olden days people thought that girls weren’t as good as boys at sport like baseball and football or soccer , but there was one girl who showed girls can be just as good as boys .she played for the lookouts . Her first game she played was the lookouts vs the yankees . Her name was Jackie Mithchell . Her first game on this team was april 2nd . She was the pitcher . First up to bat was babe ruth she striked him out then she stricked Lou Gehrig .Everybody was shocked .

My tragic 2014 strory

One thing that will stick with me through out 2015 is the tragic death of my cousin . It was 3:30 after school . My mom told me to set on the couch . She told me ” Your cousin Logan has past . He was found dead at 9:00 this morning . I broke into tears . Devastated I thought I was dreaming , but unfortanatly it was true . we went to the viewing Friday and evreyone eas as shocked as I was , Evreybody was hugging and crying The funral was sunday . only seven weeks old he pasted . He had blond hair and blue eyes This tragic day will most likely stick with me through out 2015 . One thing i’m looking forward to n 2015 is my summer break .

Iceland Poppy

The Iceland Poppy grows from one to two feet tall.  Its germination time is twenty to thirty days long .  The Iceland Poppy  blooms from May though July.  Germination means to begin to grow or develop.  Its suggested use is flower gardens, meadows, fields and mass plantings.  Its scientific name is Papaver  Nucdicaule.  The colors  of the  petals are white, yellow, or orange . It likes the sun.  For best results show seed in the fall.  This flower dose not transplant well.  It is a perennial.  Its scientific classification is Papaveraceae

information from Texas Aggie Herticultur website