The Missing Cat Yum Yum

One day, Friday, the fox, Fluffy, the dog, and Yum Yum, the cat were walking when Yum Yum ran off without letting Friday and Fluffy know. They looked everywhere for Yum Yum. They looked up trees, at her friend’s house, and at their house, but did not find her. By the way, this happened on a day Friday. “If we never find Yum Yum, can I have her room?” asked Fluffy. “NO!” yelled Friday, the fox. Then he asked, “Wait. Did we look at school?” “No. Let’s go look there now,” said Friday. I am running as fast as I can. As soon as they got there, they saw Yum Yum.

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was a leader. First she was brave to not listen to her master. Next she was intelligent because she wanted to run away. She was also heroic because she almost ran away on a horse, but the owner came. Last she was helpful because she helped the slaves escape. She died March 10, 1913.